How To Hide Last Seen Status On WhatsApp iPhone

Do you want to hide your last saw timestamp on WhatsApp for personal privacy reasons? By disabling the last seen profile feature, you can keep your online and offline status hidden from anyone who may be monitoring your behavior. Even though the timestamp option is useful, some people choose to keep their status private.

By default, WhatsApp’s “last seen” feature is enabled for everyone who communicates with you. However, you may disable it. Once disabled, no one will know when you were last active on WhatsApp or if you sent a message to anyone. This means your internet activities will remain private.

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Here are the simple procedures to hide the last seen timestamp on WhatsApp on iPhone

Step 1: Access WhatsApp from your iPhone. Tap the Settings Gear Icon in the bottom right corner.

Step 2: Choose Privacy > Last Seen & Online > Nobody.

Everyone: This is the default setting; by selecting this option, anybody can see your timestamp. On the WhatsApp Chat Screen.

My Contacts: Only your friend will see the last viewed profile status that has been added to your account.

Nobody: Nobody option serves as a high-security feature. After you enable this option, no one will see the last-seen time stamps on your message screen.

You can choose any option you want; all options are available to all normal users.

How to hide Last Seen on WhatsApp for one person

Here are the methods for sharing your last seen timestamp with a specific person on your list.

Step 1: Launch the WhatsApp app on your iPhone, then tap the Settings gear in the bottom right corner.

Step 2: Choose Privacy > Last Seen and Online.

Step 3: Tap My Contacts Except… > Tap on Select All. (From the bottom right corner)

Step 4: Search and remove the contact you conceal. Last seen on WhatsApp by one person. Tap on Done.

Do you have difficulties enabling, disabling, or hiding your Last Seen timestamp on WhatsApp using your iPhone? If so, please leave a comment and we’ll gladly assist you.

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